This website is to show my art and showcase a commission board!
Please contact me through twitter, instagram or my email if you want to order a piece. You can know if i have slots available through there too (it will show in my portafolio which is the blue twitter icon below).
Slots Available (Check Terms of service before ordering)
1.- General Terms:
-All drawings will include a signature
-Prices are bound to change depending on the demand
-Im able to reject any work that I dont feel comfortable in doing2.- Payment:
-It will be done through PayPal
-The currency i accept are USD or MXN (Mexican Peso)
-Payments will be upfront
-For big pieces, payments will be split, the first payment is when the order is made, and the other half is when its finished
-Do not send money unless you have an order3.- Process & Delivery:
-I will notify you when I start the piece, you will lose right to a refund when this happens
-I will send WIPs (Works In Progress) for you to review, to see if the order is right
-The time for me to finish a comission would be from 1 week to 4 months, so please be patient
-Once the piece is finished, you will recieve a full resolution image of the piece4.- Revisions:
-If you want something changed from the updates I present, they will come at an extra charge (unless its something i messed up)5.- Copyright/Usage Policy:
·The Artist (me), im allowed to:
-Promote myself with it
-Display it anywhere
-Post it anywhere·The Buyer (you), are allowed to:
-Share the piece with credit
-Print the artwork, but without claiming is your own
-Rights for the image can be purchased·Copyright infringement:
-Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork comercially - means making money off it anyway
-Claiming artwork as your own
-Removing the signature from the artwork
-Altering the artwork without consent6.- Customer Satisfaction:
-If you have any problem with the final piece, please tell me so we can find a solution7.- Refund/Cancellation Policy:
-The buyer is not allowed a refund if I started working on their piece
-If for any reason i cant start/do your commission, you will recieve a full refund
-If you cancel the piece before I started working on it, you can get a refund
-If you are getting a refund, do not request a PayPal chargeback, i will transfer the money myself
-If you request a PayPal chargeback when you were not allowed to ask for a refund, you will lose all beforementioned rights to the comissioned piece and I will have full right to profit further from it in anyway; I will also decline the chargeback and give PayPal our conversations as evidence that your piece was being worked on. Furthermore you will be blacklisted for commissioning me EVER again.